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As you know..
there are many crypto trading platforms,starting with Binance, Coinbase, CEX ,Bitmart as well as many more.
But as in the beginning for investments you have decided to make, I have chosen these 4 platforms,
for various reasons, such as Coinbase is a very serious and well-known company, 
but here you can not find some coins that may in the future be very profitable, such as (those coins that have over 5 zeros after the comma)
but if Coinbase does not have these then Binance and CEX also does not have many coins that are of the same purpose,
but nevertheless stands a little better in this respect than Coinbase.
But for this purpose I have introduced Bitmart as an alternative to these two platforms mentioned above .
At Bitmart you can find somewhat different types of coins that in a way you can not find either at Coinbase CEX or Binance.
the interest for these coins that have a lot of zeros, is great, 
because with less investment you make now, you can have great benefits in the future (all being careful in the word profit) 
because care must be taken in the selection of coins, first by looking at its history, 
as well as daily, monthly and annual turnovers.
But it should be borne in mind that the risk of loss is always greater. 
So I had suggested to everyone that if you invest in coins with very low values, 
invest as little as possible in as many different coins, so if one does not goes well, 
then you have the chance that the other coin or other coins will bring you the eventual big profit 
or even the reduction of the eventual loss.
because many coins that are coming out now, from the beginning are coming out with small values,
and in the meantime while those coins are entering Coinbase CEX or Binance 
the price is increasing in such a way that the benefits are not as they were in the beginning.
But in one way or another you should always
be careful when investing in incoming coins or as they are called in the other slang these coins "shit coins".
You can make big profits but you can also lose, so never invest more than you can afford, 
never borrow to invest, 
never sell anything to invest in crypto, invest only those amounts that you have them available, 
and when you invest in the beginning, you should keep in mind that what you have invested you have lost, 
do not rely too much on those things you read that many people have earned large sums 
of money from cryptocurrencies,
even though they are more than true, but you have to keep in mind that many people have invested in 
relatively small amounts many years ago and have waited many more years to see big profits now, 
and in some cases even multimillion-dollar profits.



Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym that was used by the Bitcoin’s creator in email communications, forum posts and publications such as the Bitcoin Whitepaper. For all we know, this could have been a male, a female or a group of persons. The name is clearly of Japanese origin, but since the person was writing in perfect English, many believe that Satoshi comes from an English-speaking country.

Why did he or she decide to conceal their name?

Before Bitcoin, there were several attempts of creating digital currencies and the people involved were often getting into a bind with authorities. Many systems were shut down, and there were suspicions of terrorism financing swirling around. All of this might have made the real Satoshi Nakamoto want to hide their name under a pseudonym.

In addition, the creation of Bitcoin opened the way for decentralized economic systems. One of the most significant innovations that Bitcoin brought was the possibility of peer-to-peer transactions with the absence of any intermediary. In line with this philosophy, Nakamoto handed over the Bitcoin source code to other developers and disappeared. Since then, Bitcoin is being developed as an open-source project without a central authority or leader.

Was the creator actually Japanese?

Various linguistic analyzes were performed to examine Satoshi’s writing style. Researchers investigated the Bitcoin's Whitepaper, Satoshi’s forum posts, and also emails. Although they failed to conclusively point any single person, the author was writing in perfect English. Therefore, it is unlikely that Satoshi was actually Japanese.

Was this a single person or a group of people?

Email records indicate that Satoshi was a single person. The programmers who kept in touch with Nakamoto would describe him as a paranoid fellow. He would be nowhere to be found for days, and then he would start sending out dozens of emails on Fridays. Satoshi was worried that somebody might break Bitcoin or something might go wrong with it. All in all, this gives a feeling that Satoshi Nakamoto was a coder, doing Bitcoin on the side, just seeing how this project might move forward. 

Are there any theories who Satoshi may be?

There have been many theories relating Satoshi Nakamoto with programming personalities, such as Hal Finney and Nick Szabo. However, each of them clearly refuted any connection to Satoshi.

In 2014, a person named Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto was uncovered by the media as the real Satoshi. Dorian is a physicist and system engineer living in California, but he claims that he has nothing to do with Bitcoin. In contrast, Craig Steven Wright has been actively claiming that he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. However, he has failed to present any tangible proof for his words.

Although we might never find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is, it's clear that this person inadvertently changed the course of history, bringing forward the first digital currency based on blockchain technology. Importantly, he did not come up with all of the ideas on his own but was channeling the wisdom and innovations that have been around the cryptography and computer science fields.
