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How to distinguish between LHR and FHR graphic card?

 In the last couple of weeks, there has been a lot of confusion regarding Lite Hash Rate (LHR) graphic cards and older, FHR (Full Hash Rate or non-LHR) cards. In this post, we are going to try to explain how to distinguish between the LHR and FHR graphics cards. 

It is important to note that all RTX 3060*, 3070 Ti, and 3080 Ti cards have LHR cards since day one. These models were never fully unlocked. Only RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, and 3080 are potentially FHR cards while all 3090 are FHR cards.

*The first batch of RTX 3060 was LHR model that was able to reach Full Hash Rate with leaked NVIDIA drivers.

RTX 3090                                                                               Only Full Hash Rate
RTX 3080 Ti                                                                               Only Lite Hash Rate
RTX 3080                                                        Full Hash Rate or Lite Hash rate after late May 2021
RTX 3070 Ti                                                                                Only Lite Hash Rate
RTX 3070                                                         Full Hash Rate or Lite Hash rate after late May 2021
RTX 3060 Ti                                                         Full Hash Rate or Lite Hash rate after late May 2021
RTX 3060                                                Lite Hash Rate or Full Hash Rate for v1 cards with leaked NVIDIA drivers

How to check if a new graphic card is LHR or FHR?

If you are buying a new GPU after July 2021, it will most likely be an LHR model. Every NVIDIA graphic card sold after late May 2021 is an LHR model. All the old stock is most likely sold out. 

You can still double check by:

1. Check a GPU description.

Most of the resellers have the LHR notice written somewhere in the product description. 

2. Check the GPU model on the above table

Some GPU models are guaranteed to be LHR, such as RTX 3060*, 3070 Ti, and 3080 Ti. These models are always LHR.

*Note that some of the older RTX 3060 cards can be unlocked with leaked NVIDIA drivers which were unfortunately removed from the official website.

3. Check for the LHR name on the box of the GPU

NVIDIA mandates that all manufacturers put an LHR identification clearly visible on the GPU box to all 3060 Ti, 3070, and 3080 models. Newer models do not have LHR identification as all models are LHR.

How to check if a used graphic card is LHR or FHR?

This can be more tricky compared to buying a new card. Only older RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, and 3080 models have the potential to be FHR cards.

1. Ask a seller for a copy of the invoice

Look for the date of purchase. If the card was bought before July 2021, then the chances are the GPU is FHR.

2. Ask a seller to send you a picture of the box.

Make sure that the serial number on the card matches the one on the box. Check if the box is labeled with LHR identifier. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the card is FHR as some of the first LHR cards did not have a LHR identifier on the box.

3. Test the graphic card

This is the most reliable method of making sure that the card is FHR. But it might be difficult to actually test the GPU from a distant seller.

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